Studio C41 Spotlight: Bill Manning Beta Tests the Film Carrier MK1
Bill Manning of Studio C41 not only recently had us on his podcast, but he also beta tested our Film Carrier MK1 with his personal work. After seeing his share a review online and post several images on the Studio C41 Instagram (@Studio.c41), we reached out to see if we could feature him and his experience on our blog - he said yes!
Read below as Bill answers a few questions about his workflows and experience with film photgoraphy and the Film Carrier MK1, and take a look at the awesome images he shared with us.
Kodak Gold 200, scanned using Film Carrier MK1 and a Canon 50D DSLR
How long have you been shooting film, and what’s your favorite stock?
“I’ve been a photographer for nearly 10 years, 5 of which I’ve been primarily shooting on film. My favorite stock changes based on the work required, but my recent work has mostly been on FujiFilm Pro 160NS in 120.”
When it comes to film development, do you develop at home or use a lab?
“I’m very fortunate to have a photo lab local to me. I get most of my processing and scanning done at Dunwoody Photo. However, I do keep some kits at home to process by hand from time to time.”
Above images: Kodak Ektachrome E100 scanned using Film Carrier MK1 and a Sony A7 III mirrorless digital camera.
What’s your current film scanning method, and what methods have you used since you started shooting film?
“Most of my 35mm and 120 scanning is done at the lab on a Frontier scanner.
Simple because it’s fast and the colors are right along the lines of my tastes. However, I do have a flatbed scanner at home and have just started DSLR scanning.”
How did the Film Carrier MK1 impact your scanning workflow?
“The MK1 has really opened up my eyes to taking DSLR scanning a lot more seriously. Combined with Negative Lab Pro, getting great colors from the negative has never been easier at home. Slide scanning was taken to a whole new level. I was able to scan a roll of 36 exposures in a couple minutes as opposed to 1/2 hour on a flatbed.”
Kodak Gold 200, scanned using Film Carrier MK1 and a Canon 50D DSLR.
“I was able to scan a roll of 36 exposures in a couple minutes opposed to 1/2 hour on a flatbed.”
Do you foresee yourself having an interest in our 120 medium format scanner?
“I’m certainly interested in a 120 version of the scanner. With new DSLR cameras harnessing the capabilities of 120 film [through camera scanning] is very exciting!”
Kodak Gold 200, scanned using Film Carrier MK1 and a Canon 50D DSLR.
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Are you interested in the Film Carrier MK1 but have yet to back or pre-order it? You can still do so (for a limited time) at our reduced pricing!