We are very excited to feature Guilhem Reinaud on our latest spotlight!
Hi there! Introduce yourself to the Negative Supply community.
“Hello! I’m Guilhem, I’m from Paris (France) and I’m an amateur photographer.
I work as a creative director in digital area. After many years in agencies in Paris, I have worked for Jaeger-LeCoultre (watch brand in Geneva, Switzerland) In this position, I had the change to work with many pro photographers and cinematographers, I have learned a lot but not only from them, but also by myself, today it’s very easy to access to good content on Youtube or websites.”
Q: How did you first discover your passion for photography?
“My father gave me his old Pentax Mx in my childhood, it’s has been a blast.
During my creative studies, I‘ve used it a lot, I had 3 prime lens (35, 50, 135) which were perfect to learn photography. After this, I had a F70 and F3 Nikon, in 2006, like everyone I made a switch to digital, I began with the Nikon D200, D750 and finally the D850.
But in 2018 I was disappointed by digital photography, too much presets, filters, HDR, time lapse, focus stacking, too many editing possibilities…
I used to take more than 200 photographs at each session and I spent more time on my computer than outside. So I decided to come back to analog with my trusty F3 and that was a reveal for me. I bought a Sekonic meter and I worked manually with real lens (metal no cheap plastic).
Quickly I bought a Mamiya 7 and I was so impressed by the medium format quality.
Now, I’m lucky enough to have all my dream cameras, Mamiya 7, Mamiya RZ67 PRO II, Pentax 67.”
Q: What do you enjoy most about shooting film?
“Analog photography is very challenging, it takes time, money and you never know if the shoot is ok. Maybe your focus is not perfect, your DOF is too deep, your metering is to dark and your framing is too narrow. But at the end, it’s very rewarding to understand and control all the different steps.
It could be cheesy but with analog photography, I feel more as an artist. I’ve just past another step with 4x5, for me is like being a painter with his easel, you know what you want, you know that will takes time.
You have to radically change your approach. Think more shoot less!
I use an old Jobo CPE 2 and the Tetenal C41 kit, now with experience it’s very reliable.
It’s not fast as digital but in the same day I can shoot and in the evening I have my images.”
Q: What are some of your favorite film stock?
“I used to use slide film when I was young, but now I only use negative film. I’ve found with Kodak Portra the perfect way to reproduce natural things. Portra is very flexible and have beauty tones. I often use Kodak Ektar but I don’t master it yet, sometime the result is beautiful sometime too magenta.
I would like to try some Provia on 4x5 soon but slide films are so expensive.
Expired films are not reliable, it depends on the quality of storage, I had good results but it is too risky.
For 2021, my objective is B&W and I think Ilford XP2 Super 400 could be a good alternative, I would like keeping things simple, only one chemical at home, I do not make enough B&W for preserving B&W chemical”.
Q: How has our Negative Supply tools helped your workflow?
“I have tried a lot of different options for scanning, Nikon Coolscan, flatscan etc… Their were time consuming. I saw an article about something new on Kickstarter, I wanted to be part of it, I bought it. Since my scanning process is seamless, fast and reliable.
The quality is high and the feeling is like my Arca Swiss, I love using the metal wheel, very satisfying.”
Q: What support or tool can Negative Supply provide to help improve your experience?
“Lately, Negative Supply have released various products. I’m currently equip myself with 4x5 stuff. Maybe a French retailer :)”
We’d like to thank Guilhem for sharing his work with us! You can check out more of his work on Instagram. Check out the tools Guilhem below! And if you’d like be featured on our blog send us a email at contact@negativesupply.co